Business Taxation
Business Taxation
ABK lawyers provide market-leading legal advice to businesses and their expertise in taxation law, assurance, deals, and consulting.
We are Australia’s leading tax practice, which means we can provide clients with services that range from corporate tax to indirect taxes, stamp duty, to tax dispute resolution. We can provide our clients with greater insight, industry perspective, and holistic commercial outcomes as a result of these integrations.
In Australia, tax law is a complex – yet crucial – area to navigate for businesses. In addition to being the foundation of agreements, it can be an essential factor in the due diligence of any transaction and is the crux of taxpayer disputes with the ATO.
Tax specialists at ABK Lawyers are familiar with Australian tax law. A dedicated legal practice focusing on taxation advice allows us to take an independent and privileged view of tax law.
Our advice is trusted and innovative, with a thorough understanding of your competitive landscape, strategic objectives, and risk profile, as well as business goals.
Advice on tax disputes
Providing tax legal advice regarding taxpayer-ATO disputes
Arrangements relating to taxes
Consolidated tax agreements, indirect tax agreements, tax funding agreements, and Division 7A Loan agreements
Due diligence in taxation
Perform detailed analyses of a company’s taxation affairs to assist with decision-making regarding M&A activities under the protection of legal professional privilege
The privilege of legal professionals
Legal Professional Privilege allows ABK Lawyers to protect clients where appropriate when providing advice.
Revenue authority submissions
Preparation of submissions and objections for taxpayers before revenue authorities
Documentation associated with transactions
Contribute detailed information to legal transaction documents in order to make sure they match the underlying tax advice
Unlike handling the issue yourself, our tax lawyers have a much higher success rate.
We focus on simplifying the tax law process with plain language and providing our services in the most cost-effective and timely manner. We provide personalised, professional tax services to individuals, small businesses and corporations through a team of lawyers, accountants and tax agents.
A range of tax services is available to you, such as debt negotiation, court debts or fighting your tax debts with the ATO. Our team of qualified tax lawyers is here to support you through each step.
Our expertise enables us to help you navigate your way through a continuously changing regulatory environment and tailor our advice and strategies to suit your particular needs.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to speak with one of our tax lawyers!