Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

You’ve already taken the first step.

Sexual abuse survivors may experience a range of complicated emotions, regardless of whether they were abused as children or as adults. These emotions may include shock, powerlessness, anger, guilt, shame, and grief. Compensation claims for sexual abuse are different from other types of legal claims. You should be treated with dignity and respect whenever you consult with an attorney. Regardless of the outcome, we know that it is best if it funds your ongoing needs.

Our legal services include personal injury, sexual assault, and institutional sexual abuse

As part of the services we provide at ABK Lawyers, we provide legal advice to clients dealing with injury claims that have been caused by someone else. Whenever a client comes to us with a compensation claim, we examine each option in-depth.

We are ready and able to act wherever you are located in Australia. The same goes for those overseas. Additionally, we are affiliated with Lawyers Associated Worldwide (“LAW”) and IR Global, enabling us to represent almost anyone anywhere in the world. We will closely monitor your case anywhere in Australia or around the world where your incident may have occurred.

Our lawyers handle complicated compensation recovery systems efficiently and with the utmost sympathy while remaining accessible to our clients.

Abuse can leave a lasting impact on people.

There are many ways that it can negatively affect your life, whether in your career, your physical and mental well-being, or your relationships.

The cost of obtaining this type of support may be high, so you may want to pursue compensation.

Lawyer fees for sexual abuse

Our professional legal fees are arranged under a “no win, no fee” arrangement when we consider your case reasonably likely to succeed. Unless you are successful in your claim, our professional legal fees are not incurred, except for “out of pocket expenses” such as records and reports. 

Additionally, we offer the option to pay disbursements upon the successful conclusion of your claim, and that is determined by case-by-case. Each of our attorneys has dealt with cases involving personal injury and sexual assault over the years.

Get a free consultation

Our sexual abuse lawyers provide a free initial consultation under strictest confidentiality and without any obligation to proceed. Our lawyers will explain the process and the exact steps involved in claiming you.

As a result of our commitment to retribution for their suffering and giving them a voice, many of our clients have achieved the best results in the country.

Right to be heard

It may be possible to file a civil claim for financial compensation if you have been sexually abused. Legal advice is always recommended because each case is unique, and laws differ from state to state.

The Commonwealth Redress Scheme was launched in 2018. However, it cannot be guaranteed that the scheme will not infringe on an individual’s right to sue under common law. Therefore, it is critical to take action as soon as possible.

Get the compensation you deserve with our expert sexual abuse lawyer. Furthermore, they will ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible because they understand the difficulties you are facing.